Knife Necklace for Women’s Self Defense - A Great Idea

Women tend to struggle when it comes to self defense against the attackers. We all know that women are easier targets for the attackers. This is mainly because they lack strength to counter them. In addition, they are afraid to carry lethal self defense weapons. So, they must carry a solid and lethal weapon if they are to save themselves from these fearless attackers. One good weapon is a knife necklace. It is a special self defense weapon designed for women to battle the attackers. Yes, they lack strength but they have their choice of weapons. They can choose any weapon and carry it. So, they can carry a knife necklace. Here is why a knife necklace for women’s self defense can be a great idea!

Knife Necklace - A Type of Hidden Blade

First of all, women should know what a knife necklace is. It is basically a hidden blade knife designed like a real necklace. It is a lethal weapon, thanks to a sharp and lethal blade attached to it. It can be an ideal weapon for self defense because it is lethal and can cause severe injuries. 

What Does a Knife Necklace Look Like?

A knife necklace, as the name suggests, is a real necklace, and looks like a real necklace. There is no real pendant but there is a blade instead of a pendant. This is such a lethal pendant, making this necklace a perfect weapon for self defense.

How to Wear or Carry a Necklace Knife?

Women should find it a very comfortable necklace to wear. It is like wearing any other necklace. All you need to do is wear it around your neck. It is as long as you want. The pendant will come in front i-e the blade. However, one thing must be ensured, when you wear the necklace, cover the blade with a leather sheath. It is to ensure your safety while wearing or carrying it. Otherwise, the blade can cause damage to your neck. Hence, cover the blade with a durable and quality leather sheath to ensure your safety. 

Why Should Women Wear a Knife Necklace?

There are two main reasons behind this. First of all, women can fulfill their fashion desires. They can look fashionable when this necklace is worn. In addition, it can be used as a self defense weapon. In fact, it can be a very useful weapon to deal with the attackers. There is a small but very powerful blade which can be used for cutting work as well, making it a great EDC tool too. 

Knife Necklace for Women’s Self Defense - Pros

First of all, let me tell you that a knife necklace is a great self defense weapon for women to carry. They can wear it around their necks and hence it becomes quite easy and simple to carry. Then, it is such a lethal weapon since there is a blade with an ability to tear anything apart. It can cause severe injuries to the attacker and help you survive the attacks like a pro. Also, it can scare the attackers away as they would fear a blade around you. A study suggests that people fear bladed weapons even more than guns or firearms. 

Knife Necklace for Women’s Self Defense - Cons

A knife necklace can be a dangerous weapon to carry for women as well. There is one fear associated with it. There is a sharp blade around your neck. Yes, you can cover it with a leather sheath but this makes it a slow weapon to operate. Yes, it is not the quickest in such a situation. You first need to remove the sheath and then use the blade for defense. 


All in all, a knife necklace for women’s self defense is a good idea. It can be a very useful weapon to deal with the attackers. You can cause them severe injuries and then escape to save your lives! 

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