5 Questions People Often Ask About Airsoft Guns

 Airsoft guns are the replica guns used mainly for playing a sport called airsoft. These guns are safe to use and are very realistic. They don’t shoot real bullets, rather they shoot small B BBs that are not as threatening as the real bullets. However, you can’t still use these guns blindly. You need to be careful and follow all the safety instructions. This is what airsofters urge a lot. There are some important questions people ask about these guns. We are here to answer those questions. So, here are five of those questions and their answers:

1. Do Airsoft Bullets Hurt?

First of all, you need to know what bullets these guns use. Airsoft guns don’t shoot real bullets, rather they shoot small plastic bullets known as the BBs. The size of these BBs is actually small. Also, we know that plastic is not a very powerful material and therefore, these small bullets pose no threat at all. However, yes, they hurt a little when hit from a small distance and at good speed. But this is just a slight temporary pain. 

2. Can You Get in Trouble for Carrying Airsoft Guns?

If you are in the US, you need to comply with the laws of your respective state. There are 50 states in the US and each state is independent when it comes to regulations. Each state has different laws regarding carrying airsoft guns. In most states, these guns are allowed to carry. These are replica guns and very safe to use. So, yes, you can carry them without getting into trouble. 

3. Is Airsoft Safe for 12 Year Olds?

For a 12 year old, yes, airsoft is quite safe. First of all, make sure he has worn all the safety equipment that is essential for his safety. Then, he is quite safe. If not, he is still safe but his eyes would be vulnerable to serious damage. Eye protection is quite essential for the airsofters. If he has worn it, then he is quite safe. The plastic BBs can’t cause any damage to his body. 

4. Are Airsoft Guns Expensive?

It is a myth that these guns are quite expensive. Believe me it is just a myth. In fact, these are among the cheapest replica guns. These are affordable for everyone. Even an airsofter on a budget can get a few in his arsenal. These are not expensive at all. 

5. Is Airsoft Worth the Money?

Yes, indeed, airsoft is worth the money. It is one of the best outdoor activities to take part in. There are many airsofters who spend their weekends on airsoft fields. Airsoft games are pretty thrilling and enjoyable. Also, these guns provide a very real shooting experience to the players! 


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